  • Antiques
  • Art & Crafts
  • imageArts & Entertainment
  • Crafts
  • Farmer's Market
  • Fine Art
  • Fine Art & Fine Crafts
  • Flea Market
  • Market
  • Music Festivals
  • Nautical

About Us


SHOWAPPLICAITONS.COM has been put together by the staff of Where The Shows Are!!! And we didn’t just appear on the scene a couple of years ago. We’ve been actively involved in the art & crafts industry for over 35 years. During that time we’ve helped tens of thousands of exhibitors realize their dream of turning their work into a sustainable living.


We’ve always approached every new challenge as if our entire career depended on it… and it does! We realize all of us live in a dynamic, ever changing world and what allows us to remain on the competitive edge is adapting to new trends, new formats and now an entirely new way of finding customers and approaching them with our story. We think and act with our entire consciousness to assist both of us in providing the very best medium we can provide!


Sure we need to make money as a result of providing our products and services. That’s the reality of life. But it’s not the motivation of our quest… it’s the result of it. First and foremost we care about providing our clients, our customers and all those involved with this process the very best we have to offer. We truly want everyone to succeed. Caring for the people with whom we do business comes above everything else.


We aren’t in this for the short run. Of course sticking with it for over thirty five years pretty much says that for us. And that means we continue to pursue the very best way to deliver our service to you. It’s a commitment of time, planning, money, creativity and business sense all bundled together allowing you to profit and succeed in your endeavors as well. Our fortunes are literally tied together.


SHOWAPPLICATIONS.COM is an outgrowth of the parent company Where The Shows Are!!! For over three decades we’ve been contributing to the success of both exhibitors and the events in which they participate. As trends and technology have changed over the years, we’ve also changed as well. Certainly if there is anything we’ve learned over this time, it’s that we live in a truely dynamic environment.

Nothing made that more clear than during the time of the COVID19 pandemic which we believe has permanently changed the way all of us do business in the field of the arts. The pandemic forced all of us to innovate and use the internet more than ever before.  Online applications used to be the “frosting on the cake” and in today’s world of the arts it’s become the norm and of course that will evolve over time too. It’s our desire to be able to bring the best of all worlds into one place. To be able to leverage technology and provide an experience for both the artists and the events while allowing them to both satisfy their needs.

To some the arts are simply a frivolous endeavor that is worthless compared to science, mathematics and the business world. But what defines us as human beings? It’s the art, the music, the literature, the dress and the very things we as artists and craftsmen bring to life. We hope to do our part contributing to this important part of our culture.